Pharmacy Accreditation Renewal Now Open – Due May 10, 2022

Posted:Apr 4th, 2022
Read Time: 2 Min Read

The College’s online annual accreditation renewal for pharmacies is now available. Email reminders will be sent to Director Liaisons/Designated Managers leading up to the May 10, 2022 deadline.

Before you begin you will need:

• Credit card if paying online
• User ID: This is your OCP number
• Password: If you have forgotten your password, visit our forgot password page

Once you’re ready:

Login to My Account and click on “My Account”
• Enter your User ID (your OCP number) and your password
• Once you have successfully logged in, select “Accreditation Renewal”

The accreditation renewal application is comprised of the following three steps. Each step must be completed to submit the application successfully:

1. Corporation Information Renewal (Must be completed by the Director Liaison)

Here, you will be guided through information pertaining to the corporation which owns and operates the pharmacy/pharmacies and requires verification and/or updating. This information is only viewable by the Director Liaison of the corporation. A Designated Manger is not permitted to verify or update corporate information.

New this year – PSSA Declaration

In this year’s pharmacy accreditation renewal, the Director Liaison will be asked to complete a declaration on the AIMS Pharmacy Safety Self-Assessment (PSSA).

As required under the supplemental Standard of Practice and Standards of Operation, all pharmacies must complete a PSSA accessed through the AIMS Pharmapod platform in the pharmacy.

The Director Liaison is accountable to ensure their pharmacies are compliant with the requirements of the mandatory AIMS Program including the completion of the PSSA. Please ensure your Designated Manger completed the PSSA and that your pharmacy teams are using the platform to record incidents and near misses to optimize patient outcomes.

2. Pharmacy Information Renewal

Here, you will be guided through information pertaining to the pharmacy which requires verification and/or updating.

3. Payment

Fees for 2022
Annual fees are set in accordance with College By-Laws. In March 2020, the Board passed By-Law amendments that increase registrant fees each year by the percentage increase, if any, of the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) for goods and services in Canada as published by Statistics Canada. For 2022, the increase has been calculated at 4.4% based on the actual CPI as of September 30, 2021 which was communicated via e-Connect following the Board’s approval of the College’s 2022 operating budget in December 2021. Accordingly, the 2022 pharmacy renewal fees are as follows: Community Pharmacy: $1,397.25 ($1,236.50 + $160.75 HST); Hospital Pharmacy: $5,202.58 ($4,604.05 + $598.53 HST)

• Payment by credit card or Interac®
It’s quick, easy and secure. Pay online using Visa, MasterCard or American Express, or using your debit card at select institutions.

• Payment by cheque

Print and submit your Information Renewal Confirmation along with your cheque made payable to the Ontario College of Pharmacists. We advise you to write the accreditation number of the pharmacy on your cheque. Please also make certain your cheque is signed.

Please ensure that all information submitted is complete and accurate, and that renewal fees are paid in full on or before May 10, 2022.